The human circulatory system also called the cardiovascular system (from Latin words meaning “heart” and “vessels”) is the system that circulates blood and transports nutrients to and from the cells in the body to provide nourishment and help combat diseases. Approximately 121.5 million adults in the US have cardiovascular disease per the National Institute of Health
The circulatory system is made up of the heart, blood and blood vessels which work together to service the cells of the body. Then using the network of arteries, veins and capillaries, blood carries carbon dioxide to the lungs (for exhalation) and picks up oxygen. From the small intestine, the blood gathers food nutrients and delivers them to every cell. With such an important job that this system has, knowing how to keep it functioning correctly can add years to your life. Here are 10 herbs that can help with healing the Circulatory System.
Let’s begin with Hawthorn (Crataegus). This Herb is known as the best for helping to fight heart disease. All parts of the herb can be used from the flowers, berries, leaves and even the tips of the branches. This herb is a quintessential cardiovascular strengthener and helps assist in normalizing cardiac functions. Hawthorn has the ability to gently stimulate the heart and dilates arteries and veins which allows blood to flow freely and helps release cardiovascular constrictions and even blockages. This herb is also known to help prevent heart problems by assisting in treating heart disease. A fun fact about this herb is that it helps people who have a hard time expressing their feelings and is a great remedy for “broken hearts” and depression and anxiety. “It helps the heart flower, open and be healed.”-Herbal Recipes for vibrant health by Rosemary Gladstar’s . Hawthorn is best used as a tonic and should be used over a period of time for best results. Also great in jams and jellies.
Below is a great recipe to get started.
16oz Glass jar with fitted lid
1 part Hawthorn
1 part Ginkgo leaves
½ part Yarrow
Fill with 80 proof organic vodka
Allow to sit for 3-4 weeks shaking at least once a day. When done drain and dispose of herbs. Take 1 teaspoon up to 3 times a day.
Garlic (Allium sativum). Garlic is a popular herb. Almost everyone has used it or uses it daily in cooking and other kitchen related recipes. It helps with a wide variety of health problems and because of that has been a favorite in the herbalist word. It is also the oldest remedy known to man. Garlic is highly effective in helping to maintain healthy blood cholesterol levels and helps to lower high blood pressure. Known as a blood thinner, this herb helps to deter blood clotting. Not only is garlic itself powerful but used as an essential oil it can help in many ways, such as with coronary heart disease. It is recommended to have garlic is some form daily. Best and easiest way is to toss it into your cooking.
Motherwort (Leonurus Cardiaca). This is an amazing herb makes a great heart tonic. It is effective in helping to nourish and even strengthen the heart muscle. “There is no better herb for strengthening and gladdening the heart”- Maude Greives
Cardiac Support Tincture-Heart of Herb School
2 parts Hawthorn Flowers
1 part Motherwort
½ part garlic
½ part rosehips or lemon balm
Used as a tonic and can be taken 35 drops 3 times per day.
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) can act as either a vasodilator or a vasoconstrictor. Due to the flavonoid founds in yarrow, it helps to improve the surface integrity of veins and capillaries and tones the vascular muscles. A great herb that also helps inflammation in the cardiovascular system which can lead to the build up of cholesterol.
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) is a mild stimulant and when combined with ginger can help to treat circulatory and even digestion issues. It is a great warming herb that helps support healthy blood sugar and increase blood flow to the coronary artery, which is what supplies blood to the heart. Other benefits found when using cinnamon are assistance with dysmenorrhea, hypertension, and spastic constipation. Some herbs that mix well with cinnamon are yarrow, ginger, and chamomile. So, with that next morning coffee or evening tea, add a little cinnamon to get you started.
Ginger (zingiber officinale) is an herb used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is the primary herb for respiratory, reproductive, and digestive issues. This herb helps with reducing blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Ginger is a good diaphoretic and helps to open the pores. Other benefits for the circulatory system are that it helps to stop blood clotting, keeps the energy high and assist in increasing circulation in the body.
Cayenne Pepper (capsicum) helps to promote blood flow to the tissues by lowering blood pressure. It helps to stimulate the release of nitric oxide which helps to expand your blood vessels. This herb helps to increase circulation and bring blood flow to any affected areas in the body.
Turmeric (curcuma longa) is known to open blood vessels and even improve circulation. There is a compound which can be found in turmeric that is called curcumin. Curcumin helps to increase nitric oxide production. This helps to reduce stress and decrease inflammation in the body. In a study done by PudMed Central they found that taking 2,000 mg of curcumin daily for 12 weeks led to a 37% increase in forearm blood flow and a 36% increase in upper arm blood flow.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis) helps to strengthen the heart and reduce high blood pressure. It has been found that rosemary helps to increase circulation specifically to the brain. When combined with ginkgo to make a tea or tincture it helps to increase memory.
Gotu kola (centella asiatica) helps to promote brain health and liver and kidney health. This herb has been found to help reduce fluid retention and may have a positive metabolic effect on the connective tissue of the vascular wall. Gotu hola is highly recommended for memory loss and has been found to have success when treating epilepsy and Alzheimer’s disease. One last amazing fact about this powerful brain herb is, that it helps to improve the body’s nonspecific response to disease and stress.
Recipe for Brain fog Tea
2 parts Gotu kola
½ part hibiscus
¼ part Rosemary
Create as an infusion and allow to steep for 30minutes.
From our brain to our heart to our arteries, we now have a better understanding of the connection that is happening in our circulatory system. The health of this system should always be held to high priority, and now knowing more about these powerful herbs, we can ensure our own healing.
Listed above are only some of the herbs that can be used, but nature has such a beautiful way for providing what we need to heal, all we have to do is take the time to discover what us out there.
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